Marketing strategies are continually evolving and adapting to new trends and the needs of your consumers. Your website is your most important online asset, and to ensure that it is found or seen by potential customers, you need to do away with any old marketing strategies and update with innovative ideas.

The funny thing is, what we are about to tell you will eventually become irrelevant, but that is the nature of the game. So for now, here are some ideas to improve your website marketing strategies, get them while they are hot.

1. The opt-in

You may already have an opt-in offer on your website, if you do not, add one immediately. Let’s say you have one, have you considered repositioning it for better results?

Building your email list is important and changing the way you collect email addresses regularly will increase your chances of getting more. It sounds simple, but it works. Rotate your opt-in around these various sections of your website:

  • Sidebar
  • Bottom of the content
  • Pop up
  • Welcome page
  • Header
  • Footer
  • Middle of content

2. Speed up

Lord Google has decreed that a big ranking signal is the speed of a page so you may need to boost your website speed. People expect things quickly and a slow to load site lose potential customers, especially if your competition doesn’t have this issue.

Need proof of how fickle consumers can be over a few mere seconds? Seventy-five percent of people have said that if a website takes longer than 4 seconds to load, they likely won’t return to it. Ouch!

3. Increase the value

You should be reporting and measuring the results of your traffic regularly to make the necessary adjustments so that your website provides more value to both you and your customers.

The greater the value your audience gets, the more likely they are to return to your site and business while recommending youth others. Gotta love that positive word-of-mouth!

You might do this with more informative blogs, better offers, discounts for signing up to mailing lists, anything that helps to create a genuine relationship with your audience.

4. Write more blogs

If you don’t already run a blog, get one ASAP. Blogging is one of the most effective ways to bring in new clients. People are online searching for answers; if you can be the one to answer them, they will trust you and dig deeper.

Good blogs are succinct, well-written, interesting and above all, they serve a purpose. Figure out what the various pain points of your customers are and hire someone to write about them for you. The reason why we say hire someone is that your blogs need to be optimized and written in such a way that Google likes them.

5. Calls to action

If your customers see it, there should be some form of a call to action as part of it (within reason). If you have a newsletter, offer a sign-up. Invite followers to your social media, offer downloads of white papers, add a purchase button. All of these things encourage further interaction, or sometimes straight up sales.

Research best practices and find out which strategies will be most profitable for your business and website — the more compelling a reason you give to people to complete your call to action, the better. Moreover, be original, don’t just simply say “click here,” you are trying to encourage an activity so be clear and unique.

6. Share those socials

The best way to spread your website around the web is to make it easily shareable. Without overdoing it place share buttons around your site and make sure they are visible. People will only share something if the option to do it is very accessible, you almost have to remind them that sharing is an option.

Prominent social sharing buttons can increase the action by a staggering seven-hundred percent. While the addition of social signals won’t necessarily help your rankings, shares within the various platforms will. So getting elements of your websites into a post on social media should be a big focus.

7. Let your customers speak for you

We know, and you know, that you are great what you do. Your potential customers would love to know that as well, and it will undoubtedly help business along by establishing trust. Your website is the best place for some success stories, and you can highlight these with customer testimonials.

Along with case studies, customer testimonials are a beneficial content marketing tactic. Consumers take reviews and word-of-mouth very seriously, if they can see that you have proven yourself, they are more likely to follow through with a sale.

8. Add Some Videos

Video marketing is powerful and rising in popularity. Content such as online video tutorials allow you to leverage platforms like YouTube and Vimeo and, if they are informative, establish you as an authority in your industry.

It is important to remember that this, and all of the points above take time. If you expect overnight results, you’ll be sorely disappointed. If you are consistent and offer quality content your visitor numbers will eventually soar.

By Kay Kay

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